Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, social media has seen an avalanche of information on the disease as well as on the vaccine.

Unfortunately, a lot of the information that has circulated is false.

Bad advice, crackpot conspiracy theories and allegations of “plandemics” have made the rounds on social media. As a result, it has become difficult to understand just exactly what steps to take to protect you and your family.  

In response, the Health and Wellness Center in Stigler, Oklahoma has created a website to provide the community with current and reliable COVID-19 vaccine and prevention information.

You can access the website by clicking here.

A Community Resource

 The website has a number of informative features including:

Vaccine Availability

The Health and Wellness Center is currently taking appointments for those wishing to receive the vaccine. Patients may sign up for the appointment waitlist by visiting the website.

The vaccine administration and distribution plan adheres to Oklahoma State Department of Health guidelines. The plan is also based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The Health and Wellness Center is a community health care provider. We are dedicated to overall patient health, including protection against COVID-19.

For more information, please call 1-800-640-9741 or visit our COVID-19 information page or the Health and Wellness Center homepage.

Written By Lance Montgomery

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